

Where can I download DIGITAL IMAGES for free?

Currently, we do not provide digital image downloads! Maybe we will consider it in the future! 

I have a problem with my purchase on Amazon. Where can I get a replacement/refund?

Please contact Amazon! You can use the “return or replace items” button when viewing your orders.

I want to purchase digital editions, but do not have a printer. Is there an affordable one you recommend?

We do not provide a digital edition! Therefore we do not make any recommendations!

Do you offer tech support for my computer, printer, or other devices?

No, we’re not able to provide tech support.


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Please fill out the form below or poortoast2020@gmail.com, I will answer it for you as soon as possible! Thank you for your patience.

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Poortoast Designs

Poortoast Designs is a graphic designer. He believes that creativity is the most unique power we have.

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